The Program Requires you be able to capture Bailey's Beads

Bailey's Beads are the last rays of the photosphere shining through the valleys of the moon. Shooting them requires the fastest of all of the exposures.

Unfortunately some Canon Cameras with either fully mechanical shutters or EFCS are now limited to either 1/2000 or 1/4000 speeds.

What Does the Error Mean

Simply put if your f/stop is less than 7.1 (f/10 for 1/2000) the camera is simply not fast enough

How Do I Fix this Condition?

There are two solutions available

  • If you are using a lens then simply configure it with a high enough f/stop
  • If you are using a telescope then you are stuck with the telescope's f/stop. CE 2.0 will allow you a "best effort" option that will select the fastest speed available. This will overexpose the beads, but it will probably allow you to capture the rest of the images. Note if you go this route you will be reminded of this decision each time you enter the Camera Preferences dialog. This is by intent.